Regal Carrington Windows – the uPVC Windows Leicester Specialist

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UPVc Windows Leicester Specialist – Regal Carrington Windows

Sometimes our homes just need a simple makeover to give them a breath of new life, and Regal Carrington Windows, your uPVC windows Leicester specialists is the place to visit. With a huge range of windows to suit your home, conservatory or orangery Regal Carrington Windows has been in the industry for over 25 years and knows a thing or two about installing new  or replacement upvc windows.

If you’ve noticed your gas and electricity bills soaring recently, it could be because your current windows are not efficient or they are leaking air or letting air in requiring you to run your heating for longer, pushing your gas and electricity bills up. If your windows are the original windows from when your property was built, you may have single pane windows which means you are missing out on all the benefits of insulation found in double glazing or triple glazed windows.

Five reasons why you need uPVC windows Leicester now

There are many reasons why you should consider uPVC windows for your home. We’ve listed our top five reasons below.

  1. Longer life cycle

uPVC windows are durable, and are expected to last 25 years before needing updating. uPVC windows are UV resistant, and are perfect for south facing homes where sun glair can be a cause of concern. They are also an environmentally friendly choice, with some windows being rated A+ Energy efficiency.

  1. Noise reduction

Combine a uPVC window with double or triple glazing, and the noise transference is minimal. These windows are great noise barriers, making them a great choice if you live in a busy urban environment or along a busy road.

  1. Energy efficient

Windows made from PVC are great in energy efficiency. They have high insulation values and can help reduce the cost in heating and cooling your property, and if you go the extra step to triple glazing, you’ll see even more cost benefit when it comes to your electricity bills.

  1. Easy to care for

uPVC windows require minimal maintenance compared to timber windows which need to be sealed and painted every 2 – 5 years. All you need to clean them is some dishwashing liquid and water for an easy and quick clean.

  1. Aesthetics

You often only need a small upgrade to give your property a fresh new look, and uPVC windows can provide that look quickly and easily. With a range of styles and colours available, Regal Carrington Windows, your uPVC windows Leicester specialist, can have your home looking fresh in no time.

If your home is ready for a fresh new look, call Regal Carrington Windows on 01332 208833  and speak to our team.

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